

Welcome to this space. I'm here to share recipes (mostly grain free), bits of life and a whole lot of encouragement! I truly hope you enjoy your visit and leave inspired on your journey!

Ebb and Flow

Ebb and Flow

At first, I thought it was just in the kitchen, but I am confidently learning it’s with everything in life, I function best when there’s an ebb and flow. And I think maybe we all do. Allowing the presence of opposites creates balance. Here’s what I mean… Silence to counteract noise. Stillness to balance the hustle. Time to receive so we can pour out. Easy to balance the hard. Lightness to balance the heavy.

So from the table, I would say I do this really well. I don’t plan too many complicated recipes in one meal. This allows me to be creative and have fun without any one thing becoming too taxing or stressful. I batch cook or plan to have leftovers so I will have rest in the kitchen the next day or two following a labor intensive meal or gathering. So here’s to transferring that practice to every area of life. And when we can’t control specific circumstances, may we have space for grace. In all of it, allowing freedom, peace and play to permeate.

Light the candles; watch the flame. Pause and listen in the quietness and see what you hear. Much love to you, Amanda

Pecan Goat Cheese Dip and Avocado Dip

Pecan Goat Cheese Dip and Avocado Dip

Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed Peppers