

Welcome to this space. I'm here to share recipes (mostly grain free), bits of life and a whole lot of encouragement! I truly hope you enjoy your visit and leave inspired on your journey!

You are on time

You are on time

You are not behind.  

Do you ever hear the internal (and sometimes external) noise of hurry, hustle, scurry, scrape and get it together? You should be a better fill-in-the-blank. A better time manager, a better friend, daughter, wife, mom, sister, boss, mentor, coach…the list can be endless. This goes back to comparing. As it has been said and I would agree, comparison is the thief of joy.  Just because someone else can shape their days to encompass and manage something totally different than you doesn’t mean either is wrong. In different seasons, this is something I have to remind myself often, someone’s awesomeness in no way diminishes mine.

We are on time. We are on pace. Even if you have the thought to move forward in an area, you’re over half way there. Just take the step. Then the next one. Look, you’re doing the thing. Our minds are incredibly powerful and that’s where it all starts. See yourself doing the thing. And when we do that, we start to shift. Simply remember, start before you’re ready. Get to know your patterns. Do you need to write it down? Get a buddy to hold you accountable and support you? Create visuals to inspire you? You CAN do the thing. You’re amazing.

Cinnamon Graham Crackers

Cinnamon Graham Crackers