Lean In

Confession: I’m a leaner. Brady says I physically can’t take a picture without leaning=) So true. Now I’m trying to take that posture into the rest of my world…

Tears and guacamole. Come to the table; you’re not alone.

Hi there! So this will be my first completely transparent post. A new uncharted ground for me but one I know I need to stand on; journey on. Anyone that knows me, knows I love the table. I love what it represents. I love to gather people around it. To ‘break bread’ together is truly sacred and is one of my greatest treasures. So I’m about to ramble on about my health journey but if you want the cliffsnotes version, it’s this dear one: we ALL have our quirkiness, you are not alone, you are invited, wanted and accepted at the table; no matter what. Just show up.

Jaime’s Creamy Saffron Chicken Soup

We had supper club at my friend Jaime’s last week and she made this amazing soup. It makes a huge batch so I halved the recipe to work with what I had on hand when recreating it. I know saffron is a pricey spice but it completely makes this soup sing! Each step adds layers of flavor; stick with the process and you’ll be blessed.

Holiday Mashed Cauliflower

This cauliflower dish is such a change up from traditional mashed cauliflower. The sage and rosemary make it taste like Thanksgiving or Christmas in a bowl. I can’t get enough of it. And I know I’m talking about cauliflower! Such a gift!

Treat it like we want it to grow...

Be it a relationship, a new learned skill or a new way of thinking, whatever it is, let’s treat it with intentionality to help it thrive. Maybe it’s not something new; it’s just something that has grown a little stagnant and needs some attention. As my wise, dear friend says, “Needs change over time.” Agreed. So let’s identify areas for growth and get back to life-breathing fundamentals. And enjoy the process.

Cinnamon-Maple Almonds

With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s so great to have some treats on hand to share and these nuts...awww...super for snackin’, great mix-in for a yogurt parfait or smoothie and perfect for that ‘not-too-sweet’ sweet tooth after dinner with coffee. Love. And a bonus for these nuts is that they’re super quick to throw together since it’s all on the stovetop. It’s almost not a recipe and more of a love for sharing a wonderful toasted cinnamon aroma throughout your house. I’m getting excited over the cooler days and these warm cinnamon-maple nuts add to the blessings.